Monday, February 22, 2010

Week Eight: Sunshine and shade

Another beautiful day in the Central Otago paradise, and a walk around Lake Hayes with my friend the Mischievous Minx (doing her best impersonation of a bored teenager) and her dopey dog.

After our walk, we repair to the Walnut Cottage where the Devonshire tea repairs us.

It's hot in Arrowtown and people seek shade and sanctuary where they can - whether it be at St Patrick's Catholic Church, or underneath an apple tree.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week Seven: Entertaining Ma & Pa

We took a trip up to Skyline to admire the stunning views - Pa and Him Outdoors walked up the hill while Ma and I rode up in the gondola. Ma was very brave walking on the observation deck so we all rewarded ourselves with a bottle of rosé.

This is the America's Cup boat which takes day-trippers out for a spin (if yachts spin, that is) on the lake. Apparently it leans right over to one side so that you can dip your toes in the water. I don't like the feeling when boats lean over when tacking into the wind, although I have been reliably informed that this is a special feature of their design. I admit to snapping (as I looked out of port holes submerged under water that were earlier focussed on the sky), "Well, it's a bloody stupid design, then!"

I'm not saying that we're alcoholics or anything, but we do enjoy our trips to the wineries. The Lazy Dog through Lowburn is a winery restaurant with very tasty food and tasting paddles of different varieties of wine. Ma is happy with her selections.

Mt Difficulty was a special request so we headed back to Bannockburn. Once again, Ma and Pa were keen to get into the spirit of tasting.

As you can see, although we made a concerted effort to drink as much of their wine as possible, fortunately there is plenty more where that came from.

Another day; another winery - this time Mt Rosa, which is open at weekends if you phone ahead, but as they are a small operation, they usually only work during the week. Their wine was very tasty and the banter flowed equally freely.

Lunch at the Winehouse and kitchen was delightful. We were all particularly enamoured of the sweet treats platter for two: white chocolate and cherry truffles; individual Eton mess; maracroon bar; peach tea and chocolate truffles; and berry cream sable biscuits - yum!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week Six: Food and drink

The parents are visiting and the weather is hot. It's difficult to know what to do with them - as they don't like it too hot - so we headed to Old Cromwell Town and the Central Otago Farmers' Market. We fortified ourselves with strong coffee and rabbit pies, while meeting the locals and sampling their wares.