Monday, February 22, 2010

Week Eight: Sunshine and shade

Another beautiful day in the Central Otago paradise, and a walk around Lake Hayes with my friend the Mischievous Minx (doing her best impersonation of a bored teenager) and her dopey dog.

After our walk, we repair to the Walnut Cottage where the Devonshire tea repairs us.

It's hot in Arrowtown and people seek shade and sanctuary where they can - whether it be at St Patrick's Catholic Church, or underneath an apple tree.


  1. Great weather you're having, Kate. And is it just me, or do all of your physical excursions end with libations and treats?? I can't figure out if it's your motivational system or simply a must-have component of every outing:)

  2. No, it's not just you...

    After exercise you need to replenish vital energy supplies with food and drink - you know it makes sense!

    Kate x
