Monday, May 31, 2010

Week Twenty-two: Baby, it's cold outside

It's cold out there - 'brrr' in Latin. The lupins are dotted with droplets of ice and the frosty trees are wreathed in smoke from morning fires - their skinny branches reaching out like frozen insect legs or withered claws.

Meanwhile, my boys are trying to keep warm either by kitting themselves out in multiple layers before going for a run...
...or lounging about in the sunny patch on the carpet.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Week Twenty-one: Steaming!

Our walk around Lake Hayes this week was misty as the cold air steamed in the morning sun.

Afterwards at the Walnut Cottage we had coffee while the Mischievous Minx held a conversation with her dopey dog. He doesn't look too impressed.

At the weekend I did a 10km run at Jack's Point. The series continues throughout the winter, which gives me something on which to focus and attempt to maintain some fitness. I believe in the theory that the first race in a series shuold be a benchmark and you can only improve form there. Let's hope so! Anyway, no matter what the 'racing' form is like, the scenery is stunning as always - this may be one of the most picturesque finishing chutes ever (apart from my big fat arse obliterating the view!)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week Twenty: Bleak sheep

When we went for a run around Moke Lake, the weather was pretty bleak, but the sheep didn't seem to mind!

This fella here is matagouri - apparently it is an endangered species in the North Island. In the South Island it endangers your clothing and shins and (should nature call on one of your nature walks) your 'sensitive areas'. It can look quite striking in photos though. It has also been called 'wild Irishman'. I wonder what the Irish call it?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week Nineteen: Lower Shotover River

The Shotover River is the only river that flows out of Lake Wakatipu. As a braided river, the water frequently chages course, particularly after heavy rains. A branch called the Lower Shotover is spanned by a road bridge half-way between the Frankton Arm and Lake Wakatipu, but the original 'historic' footbridge was restored recently. A trail beside the river makes for a pleasant afternoon outing.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week Eighteen: Autumnal Otago

The autumn colours continue to impress me, and Arrowtown and has many arboreal delights.

And just to prove that I do occasionally travel slightly further afield, here are some images of Gibbston Valley...



...and the Otago Farmers' Market in Dunedin: