Monday, January 23, 2023

Stanley, Sheaffe and Champagne

The first trig point walk this week was to Stanley in Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve. It began with a tough grunt straight up the hill, alongside a fence line. I wasn't aware that this was a mountain bike park as well, but I soon found out due to the nifty steep and rocky tracks, and signs warning people to walk before they ride.

There was no actual trig point at the top, although I walked back and forth looking for one. I was definitely at the top though, and all the communication masts seem to be proof of that.

And so I began the descent. At this point I was listening to the Infinite Monkey Cage podcast: Why Does Wine Taste Good?, followed by the Kermode & Mayo's Take podcast, which featured an interview with Cate Blanchett about Tár. I learned a lot as I jogged through the sun-dappled pines.

Meanwhile, Him Outdoors is working on building a bike. Every day bits and pieces arrive at the house and he adds them onto the frame. Spot which bits are still missing.

At the weekend we walked to Sheaffe, which is another trig point on Isaacs Ridge. This one has a more clear and obvious marker, although the real top is more likely to be a concrete post with some poles in it, modelled here by Him Outdoors. 

I love the fact that we are in the middle of the capital city and there is so much beautiful space. I don't love the fact that we bashed our way through a couple of kilometres uphill through thistles, burrs, hook grass, spiders' webs and potential snake hang outs.

This is YA90, allegedly named after a droid from Star Wars whose scenes were cut in the final editing. 

I may be looking slightly pained because I am. Those thistles and burrs really get stuck into the clothing. Neither decorative nor comfortable, but certainly itchy and scratchy, it took hours with a pair of tweezers to remove them from the tights and shoes - I have yet to start work on the shoes. 

As we were taking sh*te selfies at the trig point, we saw a woman saunter past casually on what turned out to be a perfectly good track on the other side. The perfectly good track that Him Outdoors had chosen to eschew in favour of an adventure. Hmmm. 

A perfectly good path

We did reward ourselves with breakfast at Fox & Bow

Huevos with chorizo and anchovies
Spanish eggs

The next day we went to our friends' place to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Toasts were toasted, corks was popped and champagne was consumed - Huzzah! Happy Anniversary Calamity Sue and General Philosopher; thanks for sharing your celebrations and stories with us. 

Proof of the party

And home for snuggles with the cats. 

Him Outdoors with Melantho

A much more sedate walk on Sunday - the usual round the lake with the Walking Crew, followed by breakfast (of course) at Bookplate at the National Library. Sadly, The Luminosity is not pictured, but here is Purple Lady with her avocado and eggs on toast, with obligatory side of bacon.

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