Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 30: You are my sunshine

The sun came out this morning and it was beautiful to see. We went for a walk to make the most of it, before spending the rest of the day in a school hall in Khandallah performing two back-to-back shows of Twelfth Night.

Our 'dressing room' is a school classroom decorated with artwork and instructions.

Viola and Sebastian are practically identical - see, you can hardly tell them apart. 'An apple cleft in two is not more twin than these two creatures.' It's called suspension of belief - truely amazing what matching green tunics can do.

Feste plays the fool - in more ways than one. 'Foolery does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines everywhere.'

Olivia - 'You are too proud. But if you were the devil, you are fair.'

Malvolio is 'sick of self love' and 'most villainously' in yellow stockings.

Sir Toby Belch - 'That quaffing and drinking will undo you.'

Fabian - 'If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.'

Olivia bestowing slightly more favours on Sir Andrew Ague-cheek than usual. 'You are now sailed into the north of my lady's opinion; where you will hang like an icicle on a Dutchman's beard.'

Orsino is the true Renaissance Man - 'Of great estate, of fresh and stainless youth, in voices well divulged, free, learned and valiant, and in dimension and shape of nature a gracious person.' Even if ours does support Arsenal...

Antonio stands proud - 'Only myself stood out.'

'Haply your eye shall light upon some toy you have desire to purchase; and your store, I think, is not for idle markets.'

'What's that to us? The time goes by. Away!'

And the stage manager is overseeing all- and drinking cups of tea. At least, I think that's tea...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 29: In search of colour

It's a fairly grim day when I go for a walk over Seatoun Heights to Miramar - the way is lined with trees and brooding churches.

I have to find colour where I can.

I spy some birds picking blossom from the trees. The wax-eyes are very tasty, according to a previous cat.

Tuis are too big.

The views can be pretty stunning too from either side of the tunnel towards Miramar and Seatoun.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 28: Of cats and cake

I heard that as cats grow older, the muscles in their paws tire and they loose the ability to withdraw their claws. Apparently this is why it hurts when grizzled cats knead your lap. Or it may just be because they want to inflinct pain. Chester just wants to inflict big licky kisses. He's a lover, not a fighter.

Le Tour de France is always inspiring. Him Outdoors battles the elements (and the ridicule) to don his lycra and pedal the streets.

I went along to help paint the set at the weekend. We are performing in a school hall and so have only been allowed to build the set since the school holidays. All of our costumes are moved to one side while we wield our paintbrushes and much-needed cups of tea.

Driving back down into town from Khandallah the view was beautiful as the harbour was still. You can tell by the incoming clouds and the ripple on the water, however, that weather is on its way.

I met the girls for a swim in Freyberg Pool followed by cake on Oriental Parade - splash and scoff as it should be named. We went to Beach Babylon where the service was odd - they seemed surprised to have customers, as in, 'Oh look, it's Saturday lunchtime and people are coming here to eat - how strange.' The chocolate brownie and banana cake went down a treat.

Although the caramel slice was not so well received - would you like a chisel with that?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 27: Wet walk in the bush

There are no sexual connotations to this post - we really did go for a wet walk in the bush. New Zealand bush is stunning. It is green and dense, studded with ferns and, on many occasions, dripping wet.

Whenever we go away we take it in turns to plan the trips. We have a sort of 'joke' about how this pans out. When I'm in charge this usually involves a brief stroll in the sunshine followed by food and wine. When Him Outdoors is the master planner we slog up a hill to the middle of nowhere in the pouring rain. This would be one of his tours, then. 'There's a fantastic view on a clear day, I promise!'

But at least everyone takes out whatever they took in.