Monday, January 21, 2019

Breakfast, birds and Four WInds

I have begun a food program called Lite and Easy. The food is delivered to the house each week in an esky (which gets collected with the following week's delivery). The individual picks their options - one can have a combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner for five or seven days in three different calorie brackets.

Everything is packed in a separate fridge or freezer bag with a card to indicate what should be eaten when. It's enormously convenient and time-saving as I don;t have to go to the supermarket or make meal plans. It's no more expensive than supermarket shopping, and probably healthier (snacks are also optional). 

The main thing it is teaching me is portion size. The food is all stuff I would normally cook myself , but I would generally make more. This is sufficient, however, and also very tasty.

Poached eggs, smashed avocado, spinach, cherry tomatoes and feta on rye bread

In what has become an annual outing, a group of us went to Four Winds Winery for wine and pizza. 

It's hot so we must remember to hydrate and make allowances for our feathered friends to do the same. We bought this bird bath for them. 

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