Monday, February 4, 2019


This is not my picture, but I absolutely love it, so thought I wold share it with you. Give it a minute; you'll get it. 

Funny how whenever Him Outdoors plans date night, it seems to involve pizza and beer...

Chilli prawn pizza at The Brindabella
Spiced pulled chicken pizza
As part of my job I get to go some interesting places and talk to fascinating people. I'm currently working on a project with PhotoAccess, a 'unique space for making, sharing and discovering creative photography and photo-based art.' As well as exhibiting works of photography and teaching techniques to classes of children and adults, they have the only publicly-accessible darkroom in the ACT.  

The monthly bedside bookpile continues to evolve. I'm not sure if it is helped or hindered by recent purchases. 

The park run at Lake Ginninderra doesn't get any easier for me; for some, however, it appears to be water off a duck's back. 

Our landlords are hanging some sliding doors in the laundry and wanted to know if they had all the necessary bits. They asked if I would check the parts that were delivered, so I took a pictorial inventory.

Look at all these creative classes one could do, if one were so inclined!

Splatter workshops!
I finished off the week with a walk around Lake Burley Griffin with a friend. It's hot, so we go early while it is still relatively cool and the light is clear. 

The National Carillon at Lake Burley Griffin
Australian Merchant Navy Memorial

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