Monday, March 25, 2019

Peace Park and Ride

As if Christchurch hasn't suffered enough, as it attempts to rise from the rubble of the earthquakes of a decade ago, the city has just become the latest site of hideous extremist attacks. Two consecutive terrorist shooting attacks occurred at mosques during Friday prayer: 51 people were killed and 49 were injured. The gunman live-streamed the first attack on Facebook.

The New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, was asked what people could do in the wake of increasing right-wing terrorism. She replied, "Sympathy and love for all Muslim communities". She continued,
"Our values provide a guiding light in our darkest hours.
We stand together in representing diversity and inclusion. They are us.
We stand together in kindness and compassion. They are us."
To the killer, she said, "You may have chosen us - we utterly reject and condemn you."

In solidarity with the New Zealand Muslim community, Kiwis and Canberrans gathered at the Nara Canberra Peace Park in a memorial vigil to share grief, despair and anger while paying respects and honouring life. It was emotional.

Later in the week we celebrated the wedding of Louise and Chris. Her bouquet was beautiful (as is she) and was made from hops (as she is not). 

Louise with her hoptastic bouquet
Apparently these are hot cross buns. Can anyone spot the trade-descriptions error?

We headed off to the Snowy Valleys for a bike race, which involved carbo loading the night before in Adelong.

Apparently it's not rained in this part of rural NSW for four years, but the morning of the bike race...

Him Outdoors was doing the big ride, while I did the mere 26km. This meant I could take photos of him and the start and finish.

And here he is with a post-activity beverage from Tumut River Brewing Co.

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