Monday, March 8, 2021

Seeing the Light

There's a tree out the front of our house that does not belong to us. It is some kind of eucalyptus tree and it is big.  The other day I went out for a walk and I smelled freshly cut wood - really fresh. Obviously a branch has fallen down and blocked the road; someone had phoned the authorities; they had removed the offending branch and chopped it up into manageable chunks. And I hadn't noticed a thing. There must be a moral to this tale, but I have no idea what it could be.

While out on this walk, I came across a little dollhouse that had been put out by the kerb, probably in the hope that someone would take it away and play with it. In the meantime, the sun seemed to be doing a good job of highlighting its best features. 

The kittens remain unimpressed, but they are clearly millennials and, hence, too cool for school. I know they are millennials, because I caught Melantho trying to eat my smashed avocado on toast. Apparently this means she is squandering all her income and will never leave home. Good.

I didn't get to the Enlighten Festival this year, in which 'some of the capital's most loved and iconic buildings' are illuminated with large-scale projections. I did, however, stumble across these designs on the Sydney and Melbourne Buildings in town. Bohie Palacek's illumination, Dandelion, 'draws on the bright flower's ability to heal, its strong roots and its floating seeds to relay a message of care and consideration. A meditation on Canberra's last 12 months.' 

Mikaela Stafford's Proximity, meanwhile 'draws parallels between our natural and built environments'.

And, as usual, I rounded off the week with a circuit of Lake Burley Griffin with the Walking Crew.

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